Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Princess Louise" (Ooops, she's in here twice!)

2008, oil on canvas, 16”x 20”
This is a study with variations of the masterpiece “Vicomtesse Othenin d’Haussonville, nee Louise-Albertine de Broglie” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, (1780-1867) of France. (Don't ask me to repeat that without looking!) I took liberties with the image and background. I loved the delicate features, especially the light eyelashes.
This study was done in the Verdaccio method, a technique used by many of the old masters.
Above is a photo of the original painting upon which I based my study.


  1. I love this picture! You really captured her expression so well.

  2. I've always loved this painting. Her expression, the scenery. The mirror's frame captures me for some reason.

    Your reproduction of her is lovely. You are very talented.

  3. Thank you, Ladies!
    I appreciate reading your comments!
