Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beach Painting: "Morning Calm"

"Morning Calm" (Bethany Beach--7 am)
1995, oil and sand, 12”x15”
In the collection of Ralph and Barbara Mecham, Potomac, Maryland

At 7am my sister Shara and I began painting the surf in Bethany Beach, Maryland, as the sun peeked above the horizon. The breeze gently gathered fine sand and deposited it on our paints and canvas, giving extra authenticity to the product. This artistic moment together became an unforgettable event for my sister and me.


  1. I love this painting. It brings sweet memories of our visit to the ocean shores. Thanks, from another sister -- Thea

  2. This is beautiful. I love the breaking water.

  3. I love hearing the backstories of each painting too.

  4. As Thea said this painting brings back beautiful memories of my first sibling reunion in Bethany Beach, the ocean is my favorite place to be and this painting depicts it beautifully. Thank you for sharing - Judy Whitenack
